
Showing posts from May, 2009

Asukohateadlik meedia

Veel üks väga huvitav artikkel, natuke uuemast ajast, kui eelmises kirjes mainitud "Personal Dynamic Media", on minu arvates 1999. aastast pärinev Ben Russell'i prognoos lokatiivse meedia arengust (Link: HEADMAP MANIFESTO ): "there are notes in boxes that are empty every room has an accessible history every place has emotional attachments you can open and save you can search for sadness in new york /.../ location aware devices location aware, networked, mobile devices make possible invisible notes attached to spaces, places, people and things. /.../ Real space can be marked and demarcated invisibly. ..what was once the sole preserve of builders, architects and engineers falls into the hands of everyone: the ability to shape and organise the real world and the real space. Real borders, boundaries and space become plastic and maleable, statehood becomes fragmented and global.. Geography gets interesting Cell phones become internet enabled and location aware, everything...

Läptopi idee pärineb aastast 1968

Kas teate, et läptopi idee pärineb juba aastast 1968, ajast, mil arvutid kaalusid ligi 50 kg? Tollal mõlgutas noor arvutiteadlane Alan Kay mõtteid kerge, sülearvuti taolise personaalarvuti (nn Dynabook’i) loomisest lastele. Paar aastat hiljem asutati Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), kus töötades Kay lõi Xerox Alto prototüübi, kaasaegsele lauaarvutile pisut sarnaneva masina, mida ta nimetas "vahepealseks Dynabook’iks", mis oli esimene graafilise desktopi idee ja kasutajaliidesega arvuti. (Link: COMPUTER HISTORY MUSEUM ) 1977 aastal kirjutas Alan Kay oma Dynabook'i visioonist: "What would happen in a world in which everyone had a Dynabook? If such a machine were designed in a way that any owner could mold and channel its power to his own needs, then a new kind of medium would have been created: a metamedium, whose content would be a wide range of already-existing and not-yet-invented media. An architect might wish to simulate three-dimensional space in order to ...